Admission Process

Getting into a top medical school is not an easy feat, but GIMHS is here to help make it possible. Admission criteria varies between institutions. admission counselors will work with students on a case-by-case basis to help you maximize your admission prospects.

Application process starts with assignment of student to a GIMHS admission officer’ to review applicant’s academic qualification, selection of school, completion of application form and preparing them for interview. Suitable students are invited by their selected school for an in-person interview or via skype or zoom. The nature of interview is dependent on the institution.

Entry Options

The Graduate Entry Medicine (GEM)

GEM is usually a four-year accelerated degree and intended for bachelor’s degree holders in health and biological sciences with a GPA 3.7-4.0 (USA) equivalent to UK degree 2.1 to first class. Some institutions will consider GPA 3.3-3.6 (USA) or 2.2 (UK) alone or in addition to a masters or a doctorate degree. However in some universities it is a five-year program and known as the Graduate Entry Program(GEP).

Standard Entry Medicine

The Standard Entry Medicine is normally a five years degree program, but in some institutions it is six years with extra year studying for an intercalated degree. This is an extra degree awarded in addition to the MD. Entry Requirement: ‘A’ Level in Biology or Chemistry plus another designated science subject .. GCSE in Maths, English Language and Sciences is required. Minimum varies between institutions.

Medicine with a Preliminary Year

This is a five-year Standard Entry Medicine program with an additional year at the beginning of the course making it a six-year program. It is also known as Medicine with a Foundation Year or Gateway Program. It is designed for students who have achieved top grades at A level or equivalent but not having the required science subjects. The first year is intended to help students acquired the needed science foundation prior to starting the MD program.

Application Form

    Program Applied For